Rocky Rapids Water Treatment Facility
This facility supplies potable water to the Hamlet of Rocky Rapids and at present two residences in Sunset Acres subdivision, as well as fire flows to the hamlet.
As per the Schedule of Fees:
- Metered water supplied to the Hamlet is $1.50 per cubic meter
- A capital replacement fee applies to all Hamlet accounts - $10 per month
- Bulk water sales are $9.25 per cubic meter
Cynthia Water Treatment Facility
This facility supplies potable water to the Hamlet of Cynthia and to the bulk water station.
As per the Schedule of Fees:
- Metered water supplied to the Hamlet is $1.50 per cubic meter
- A capital replacement fee applies to all Hamlet accounts - $10 per month
- Bulk water sales are $9.25 per cubic meter
Rocky Rapids Lagoon
Hamlet and external sewage (from acreage holding tanks) is accepted at this location.
As per the Schedule of Fees:
- metered sewage (Hamlet) is $1.00 per cubic meter based on 67% of water used from water meters.
- External sewage accepted at $40 per load.
- Capital replacement fee applies to all Hamlet accounts - $10 per month
A septic receiving station is on site. Contact Brazeau County Office to set up an account, acquire a key to access the keypad, acquire a gate key, and acquire code/PIN to operate the station.
Sewage is accepted through a 4” female Kamlok fitting.
Buck Creek Lagoon
Hamlet and external sewage (from acreage holding tanks) is accepted at this location.
As per the Schedule of Fees:
- metered sewage (Hamlet) is $1.00 per cubic meter based on 67% of water used from water meters.
- External sewage accepted at $40 per load.
- Capital replacement fee applies to all Hamlet accounts - $10 per month
A septic receiving station is on site. Contact Brazeau County Office to set up an account, acquire a key to access the keypad, acquire a gate key, and acquire code/PIN to operate the station.
Sewage is accepted through a 4” female Kamlok fitting.
Lodgepole Lagoon
Hamlet sewage only is accepted at this location.
As per the Schedule of Fees:
- Hamlet sewage is accepted at $12 per month.
- A capital replacement fee applies to all Hamlet accounts - $10 per month.
Violet Grove Lagoon
Hamlet sewage only is accepted at this location.
As per the Schedule of Fees:
- Hamlet sewage is accepted at $12 per month.
- A capital replacement fee applies to all Hamlet accounts - $10 per month.
Sewage is treated in Constructed Floating Wetlands, which use plants treat the water. The project is uses solar power, and was the recipient of the 2022 Minister's Award for Municipal Excellence.
Birchwood Lagoon
Sewage is only accepted from external sources. No hamlet connections.
As per the Schedule of Fees:
- Sewage is accepted at a rate of $40 per load.
A Septic receiving station is on site. Please contact Brazeau County Office to set up an account, acquire a key to access the keypad, acquire a gate key, and acquire code/PIN to operate the station.
Cynthia Wastewater Treatment System
Wastewater is treated at a Solar Aquatics System (SAS) wastewater treatment facility, the first of its kind in Alberta. It uses plants to treat the wasetwater.
Wastewater is pumped to the facility via a sewage lift station known as the Surge Tank, and treated water is stored in a lagoon for spring and fall discharge.
Sewage only accepted from the Hamlet of Cynthia.
As per the Schedule of Fees:
- Metered sewage (hamlet) is $1.00 per cubic meter based on 67% of water used from water meters.
- A Capital replacement fee applies to all Hamlet accounts - $10 per month