TOTAL FIRE BAN in effect July 11, 2024
Road Ban 24-05 in Effect July 4, 2024

Notice of Public Hearing - Bylaw 1181-24

Event details

Tuesday, Jun 18 2024, 10:15am - 10:30am
Council Chamber


TAKE NOTICE that Brazeau County Council has given first reading to Bylaw 1181-24 to change the designation of unassigned legally described as NE 36-48-9-W5M from Agricultural (AG) to Agricultural Holdings (AGH) as shown on the accompanying map.  If approved, the change in designation will support the future subdivision of the lands.

FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Brazeau County Council will hold a Public Hearingat which any person claiming to be affected by the proposed redesignation may ask questions or make their views known.  The Public Hearing will be held on June 18, 2024 at 10:15 am or as soon thereafter as possible in the Council Chambers of Brazeau County office at 7401 Township Road 494, Drayton Valley, Alberta, T7A 1R1.

Any written submission mailed or delivered to Brazeau County, Box 77, 7401 Township Road 494, Drayton Valley, Alberta, T7A 1R1 or faxed to 780-542-7770 by 4:30 p.m., June 7, 2024, will be included in the Council Report.  Written and oral submissions may also be made at the Council meeting without prior notification to Brazeau County.  Copies of the written submissions received will be provided to Council for consideration. Please note that personal information (address, phone numbers, email address, signature, etc.) will be redacted as per the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act; however, names will still appear with the submission.

A copy of Bylaw 1181-24 and the current Land Use Bylaw are available for public inspection at the Brazeau County Office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  For further information, please contact Planning & Development by telephone (780) 542-7777 or by e-mail at

Schedule A