Brazeau County has received Development Permit Applications for the installation of solar collectors (roof mounted) within the Hamlet of Rocky Rapids. Three (3) properties are proposed for these developments, as follows:
1. Development Permit 24D-088 for New Attachment to Dwelling – Solar Collectors (Rooftop Mounted) located at 4718 50 Avenue, Rocky Rapids (legally described as Lot A Block 5 Plan 604KS within SW 03-50-07-W5M);
2. Development Permit 24D-090 for New Attachment to Dwelling – Solar Collectors (Rooftop Mounted) located at 5014 52 Street, Rocky Rapids (legally described as Lot 20 Block 9 Plan 052 4427 within SE 04-50-07-W5M); and
3. Development Permit 24D-093 for New Attachment to Dwelling – Solar Collectors (Rooftop Mounted) located at 4701 48 Avenue, Rocky Rapids (legally described as Lot 11 Plan 012 2046 within NW 34-49-07-W5M),
as shown on the land location map below.
Each of the subject parcels are zoned Hamlet Residential (HR) and this type of development is a discretionary use in the HR zone. As per Section 3.8.3 of Land Use Bylaw 1002-18, a discretionary use requires approval from the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC). Prior to presenting these Applications to the MPC on January 14, 2025 at 10:00 am, and in lieu of notification through mail due to the Canada Post strike, the Applications are being advertised for comment.
Please fax your response to (780) 542-7770 or email to planning@brazeau.ab.ca referencing the applicable Development Permit number on or before January 6, 2025.
You may also drop off your response at the County office during business hours or via the afterhours drop box located by the front door.
Copies of the written submissions received will be provided to MPC for consideration. All responses received will appear in the report to MPC with personal information (address, phone numbers, email address, signature, etc.) redacted as per the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act; however, names will still appear with the submission. You are also welcome to attend the MPC meeting.
If you have any questions regarding these Development Permit Applications, please contact Kaylene Mayer, Development Officer, at 780-542-7777 or planning@brazeau.ab.ca.